What Are the Reasons for an Itchy Scalp?
09 / 28 / 23

What Are the Reasons for an Itchy Scalp?

An itchy scalp is a common issue, but it can be frustrating when the itch won't stop. While an itchy scalp is usually not a sign of a severe illness or condition, it can be challenging to think about anything else when your scalp itches. When your scalp itches, it feels like you will never find relief. But relief is available!

Common Reasons for an Itchy Scalp

Getting rid of an itchy scalp begins with finding the cause. There are several reasons for an itchy scalp, but most can be treated and prevented. Below are some of the most common causes of an itchy scalp.


Seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff, is the most common reason for an itchy scalp. You may have dandruff if you have an itchy scalp and notice flakes on your hair or clothing. Dandruff usually occurs when the sebaceous glands on your scalp produce excess oil. The extra oil collects dead skin cells and dirt, causing a build-up that sheds. If the glands become inflamed, you may experience itching, redness, yellow or white scales, and flaking.

Reaction to Hair Care Products

An itchy scalp may indicate that you aren't rinsing your hair thoroughly after washing. Shampoo is a mild detergent with various chemicals and compounds. Some of these chemicals can irritate the scalp if not completely removed.

While most hair products contain ingredients that are considered safe, some people develop a condition called contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is when a specific product or chemical touches your skin and causes irritation, provoking an allergic reaction.


Hives are raised, red, extremely itchy bumps that can form anywhere on the body, including your scalp. Hives usually come and go within a few hours and sometimes will clear up and then return. If the condition lasts more than six weeks, they're considered chronic or long-lasting hives.

Tinea Capitis or Ringworm

Tinea capitis, more commonly known as ringworm because of its circular appearance, is a fungal infection that causes a rash on the scalp. The ringworm fungus extends deep into the hair follicles and typically produces itchy, scaly, bald patches on the scalp that increase in size over time. Effectively treating ringworm requires a prescription anti-fungal medication.

Head Lice

Head lice are tiny wingless insects that spend their entire lives on the human scalp. Humans are the only known host for this parasite that feeds exclusively on human blood. The insects most often affect children and spread directly from one person's hair to another.

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that causes skin cells to reproduce too quickly. The condition creates thick, raised, discolored patches of skin that may be dry, itchy, and irritated.

An itchy scalp may be due to a sensitive scalp. Still, it can also indicate an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or anxiety disorder, or be an allergic reaction to a medication.

The Experts at LH Hair Can Help

Dealing with an itchy scalp can be frustrating. If the condition persists, your discomfort increases, and you run the risk of causing damage to your hair follicles. While everyone itches their scalp occasionally, some conditions won't go away without treatment. If you experience itchiness that doesn't go away in a few days or is accompanied by hair loss, pain, or sores, you should consult a professional.

At LH Hair, we have a team of scalp and hair experts who can help you determine the cause of your itchy scalp and help you find an effective solution. Contact us today and schedule your FREE initial consultation to learn more about the reasons for an itchy scalp and what you can do to find relief.