How Thyroid Diseases Cause Hair Loss
07 / 22 / 21

How Thyroid Diseases Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss often occurs as a result of underlying health conditions, including thyroid disease. For many men and women, thyroid disease can impact the growth and appearance of their hair. Having your thyroid disease properly diagnosed is the first step to restoring the natural health and beauty of your hair. The good news is that thyroid-related hair loss usually isn't permanent. Here's what you should know about the impact your thyroid can have on your hair as well as how to manage hair thinning due to thyroid disease.

How Does Your Thyroid Affect Your Hair?

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck that is responsible for producing hormones that control certain aspects of your health, including your metabolism. Thyroid disease occurs when your thyroid produces too much or too little of the hormones your body needs to function properly. Hypothyroidism, when your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, affects ten times as many women as men and can come with a number of symptoms, including weight changes, fatigue, nervousness, trouble sleeping, dry skin, and changes to your hair. While thyroid disease can have a big impact on how you look and feel, the good news is that treatment is possible with medical assistance and lifestyle changes.

Signs of Thyroid-Related Hair Loss

Because thyroid disease often progresses slowly over time, it is often not diagnosed until months or even years after it first developed. One of the first signs that many men and women notice when they have thyroid disease is hair thinning. Unlike with other medical conditions, hair loss due to thyroid disease usually doesn't result in bald spots or patches of missing hair. Instead, thyroid-related hair loss often causes hair to thin gradually. This is because the 50 to 100 hairs that fall out of your head each day are not being replenished because of the hormonal changes that accompany thyroid disease. Fortunately, hair thinning caused by thyroid disease is often temporary and can be treated.

How Can I Treat Thyroid-Related Hair Loss?

If you have been diagnosed with thyroid disease and are experiencing hair loss or thinning, treatment is possible. The first step is working closely with your doctor to regulate your thyroid hormones. In many cases, taking medications or supplements can help your thyroid to function properly, resulting in normal hair growth once again. Along with medical intervention, such as medication or surgery, certain lifestyle changes may prevent hair loss and promote growth. These include:

  • Eat well, being sure to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods, such as fresh ginger and turmeric.
  • Take an iron supplement (be sure to consult your doctor first).
  • Limit iodine intake and processed foods that can cause inflammation and make symptoms worse.
  • Manage stress by exercising and practicing self-care.

No matter how you manage your thyroid disease, it's important to be patient when waiting for your hair to grow back. It can sometimes take several months for hair growth to become noticeable.

LH Hair Can Help Your Hair Recover From Thyroid Disease

While managing your symptoms from thyroid disease, including hair thinning, may be challenging, the experienced team at LH Hair is here to help you every step of the way. Our compassionate hair restoration specialists are prepared to help you with determining potential causes of your hair loss and provide a personalized approach to restoring the health and beauty of your hair as quickly and possible. To learn more about how we can help you regain your quality of life and confidence through professional hair restoration options, contact us to schedule your free consultation today. We can help you love your hair again!