Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?
02 / 16 / 22

Can Stress Cause Hair Loss?

If you've noticed a sudden change in the thickness or texture of your hair, you're probably wondering what's to blame. Is it simply due to your age, genetics, or could it be something impacting your daily routine, such as stress? Check out these facts about how stress can affect your hair before scheduling a free consultation with an experienced hair restoration specialist at LH Hair.

Typical Hair Loss

You may not realize it, but everyone's hair will eventually fall out. The average lifespan of a strand of hair is usually around four and a half years. After the hair falls out, a new one will replace it within six months. For people who have around 100,000 hairs on their scalp, it's common to lose up to 100 strands of hair on any given day. Of course, other medical and lifestyle factors can lead to more apparent hair loss, including getting older, certain health conditions, over styling your hair, and lifestyle factors. It's also important to note that hair loss and thinning is a common experience for men and women of all ages.

The Impact Stress Can Have on Your Hair

If you're wondering if stress can cause your hair to fall out, the answer is yes. Both emotional stress and the physical stress that comes with circumstances, such as injury, illness, or surgery, can contribute to three types of hair loss:

  • Telogen effluvium: This type is very common. It involves the hair to essentially lie dormant for a few months before it falls out, and then eventually grows back between 6-9 months later.
  • Alopecia areata: This type is less common and more severe. It involves white blood cells attacking the hair follicle, which leads to the hair falling out. While it may grow back on its own months later, other treatments may be necessary to promote hair regrowth.
  • Trichotillomania: This type occurs when an individual is a compulsion to pull out the hair from their hair and body as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and other uncomfortable physical or emotional feelings.

Tips to Relieve Stress

The good news is that if your hair is falling out or thinning due to physical or emotional stress, it will likely grow back eventually. The best way to encourage your hair to grow back to its natural thickness is to eliminate the stress in your life. This is easier said than done, of course, but there are steps that you can take to help you feel more calm and relaxed every day. These include:

  • Get more sleep
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Spend time outside every day
  • Journal daily
  • Exercise regularly
  • Find a support group or therapist
  • Avoid triggers
  • Practice self-care

Hair Regrowth is Possible

Regardless of whether your hair is falling out as a result of an illness, emotional stress, or some other reason, hair regrowth is likely possible. The first step to achieving a thicker head of hair is identifying what is causing your hair to fall out. Treating the cause of your hair loss at the source is often the most effective approach to encouraging your hair to grow as you'd like it.

When you schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable hair restoration specialist at LH Hair, you can rest assured that your hair is in the best hands. After discovering what is contributing to your hair loss, your hair restoration specialist can help you make a personalized treatment plan and style your hair in a way that makes you look and feel your best. Contact us today to schedule your FREE consultation and start your hair regrowth journey with our experienced, compassionate team!