5 Benefits of Phenomenal Hair
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Your Guide to Female Pattern Baldness

Hair loss in women is completely normal and is referred to as female pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. Almost 75% of women experience some form of hair loss or thinning after menopause. Female pattern baldness is primarily hereditary, meaning that whether or not you develop it, relies heavily on your genes. It tends to occur most often in women older than 40, after the onset of menopause. Although female pattern baldness is not reversible, you can still enjoy life with a full head of hair. This is your guide to female pattern baldness and how LH Hair can give you the beautiful hair you deserve!

What Happens During Female Pattern Baldness?

For those experiencing female pattern baldness, the existing hair grows slower and it takes longer for new hair to begin growing. At the same time, the hair follicles shrink, which means that the strands of hair that are able to grow, are thinner and finer. This makes the existing strands of hair brittle and more prone to breaking leading to even further hair loss and dull, lackluster appearance.

It is important to note that female pattern baldness differs from male pattern baldness in that it does not tend to cause complete balding, but rather thinning throughout your entire head of hair.

Three Types of Female Pattern Baldness

There are three types of female pattern baldness that can occur:

  1. The first type is minor thinning that begins around your natural part.
  2. The second type is a widening of your natural part.
  3. The third type of female pattern baldness involves thinning throughout your scalp with an area of balding at the top of your scalp.

Causes of Female Pattern Baldness

Genetics is the primary cause of female pattern baldness and can be inherited from either parent. You are at a higher risk of experiencing this type of hair loss if you have a close relative who has experienced female pattern baldness. Other causes include:

  • A health issue involving the endocrine system
  • The presence of a hormone-secreting tumor
  • Excessive levels of androgen (primary male sex hormone)
  • Hormones are believed to play a role since it most commonly occurs after menopause

While smoking hasn't been linked as a cause, it can increase your risk of experiencing female pattern baldness.

What Can You Do About It?

While there is no cure for female pattern baldness, there are plenty of options available that will provide solutions to your hair loss needs. Seeking hair restoration treatment as soon as possible from a reputable hair restoration studio will increase the chances of slowing the progression of hair loss and stimulating new, natural growth.

A Solution for Everyone

LH Hair is Charlotte, North Carolina's premier hair restoration studio. Our hairstylists are experienced in all stages of female pattern baldness. Whether you are in the beginning stages of hair loss or in the advanced stages, we have solutions to help you look and feel your best. Our trichological treatments are ideal for those who are in the early stages of hair loss as it promotes natural hair growth. Extensions are a good option for those looking for more volume, while custom-wigs offer a simple solution to hair loss. Our state-of-the-art hair replacement systems provide a more permanent hair loss solution that blends in seamlessly with your existing hair, can accommodate even the most active lifestyles, and requires minimal maintenance.

Our experienced hairstylists will conduct a thorough evaluation of your scalp. You will then be provided with solutions that will fit your needs and hair goals. Book your free consultation today!