Why is Early Detection of Hair Loss Important?
04 / 06 / 20

Why is Early Detection of Hair Loss Important?

Thinning hair and hair loss are common issues that affect millions of men and women. A variety of factors can cause hair loss, but early diagnosis and early treatment can prevent and reverse the condition. Thinning hair and hair loss may be associated with genetics or be an indication of an underlying medical condition, and the sooner you determine the cause of hair loss, the sooner you can treat the issue.

Normal Hair Shedding and Hair Loss

The average person sheds up to 100 hairs every day, and some hair loss is quite healthy and expected. Most people have over 100,000 hairs on their scalp in various stages of the growth cycle, so the loss of a few hairs each day may be noticeable on your brush or in the drain, but not on your head.

One of the first indicators that you are in the early stages of a hair loss condition is often unusually large or increasing amounts of hair strands in your brush, drain, or on your clothes. Other early indicators of hair loss include hair that is visibly thinning, allowing the scalp to be visible or patches of missing hair on the top of the scalp. If you notice any of these signs or that your hair has less volume, it's essential to seek help to diagnose the cause since several health conditions cause hair loss.

Types of Hair Loss and Medical Conditions That Cause Them

Thinning hair and loss of hair are often hereditary but are also affected by other factors, including a wide range of health-related conditions.

The most well-known condition associated with hair loss is Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that destroys hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Alopecia affects both men and women and is characterized by sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches.

Thyroid disease is a condition that can cause hormonal imbalances that can also lead to hair loss. Both forms of the disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism, can lead to hair loss across the entire scalp.

Diet plays a critical role in overall health and can also impact the health of the scalp and hair. A well-balanced diet that includes adequate supplies of protein, as well as trace vitamins and minerals, is necessary for a robust immune system and healthy cell growth, including the scalp and hair follicles. Hair loss is a common issue that is often associated with a deficiency of an essential element.

Protein deficiency is another cause of hair loss. Without it, the body can't function properly and one of the effects of a diet low in protein is that hair growth goes into a resting phase. Anemia is a condition caused by low levels of iron in the system. The disease is characterized by a lack of healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body's tissues, including the hair follicles, causing poor hair growth and thinning hair.

Diet and micronutrients are known to play a crucial role in healthy hair follicle development and immune cell function as well as in the prevention and treatment of hair loss. Determining the cause of your condition will not only lead to treatment options to help stop your hair loss but will also identify any health issues behind it.

Diagnosing Your Hair Loss

Early detection and treatment of hair loss conditions can be critical, not only to stop thinning hair and hair loss but also to identify underlying health risks. The hair specialists at LH Hair are experts at diagnosing and treating all types of hair loss at any stage. To learn more about the importance of early detection of hair loss and to schedule your free initial consultation, contact us today.