When Should You See a Hair Specialist About Hair Loss?
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When Should You See a Hair Specialist About Hair Loss?

Thinning hair and hair loss affect millions of men and women of all ages and demographic groups. Hair loss can begin at any age and is caused by many factors, including diet, aging, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and genetics.

Fortunately, almost all types of hair loss conditions are treatable. There are several types of hair loss conditions, and determining the cause of your hair loss is critical to accurately treating the condition.

If you're noticing signs of thinning hair or hair loss, one of the most important steps you can take is consulting with a hair specialist. While early signs of hair loss are often subtle, the earlier you recognize them, take action and start treatment, the better.

Male and Female Pattern Baldness

The most common cause of hair loss is a genetic condition called Androgenetic alopecia, also referred to as male or female pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia is a condition where a naturally occurring enzyme converts the hormone testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which attacks the hair follicles.

In the early stages of Androgenetic alopecia, the hair follicles are deprived of adequate blood flow, causing a lack of oxygen and nutrients needed to grow healthy strands of hair. The condition affects the hair's natural growth cycle, shortening the growing phase and causing the hair follicles to produce thinner and weaker hair strands. Over time, DHT causes the miniaturization of the hair follicles, and eventually, they will become so severely damaged that they are no longer able to produce hair.

In men, the first signs of Androgenetic Alopecia are typically a receding hairline and thinning at the crown, leading to balding as the condition progresses. Women usually do not experience complete balding but notice thinning hair over the entire scalp. The first sign of Androgenetic Alopecia in women is usually a noticeable widening of the part, or a change in thickness or density of the hair, making their ponytail or braid seem thinner.

Increased Hair Shedding

Hair shedding is a part of the hair's natural growth cycle, with the average person losing 100 to 150 strands each day. Normal hair shedding accounts for the hair we find in our brush or the drain when we wash our hair. This normal hair shedding is no reason for concern. Still, if you are beginning to notice a substantial increase in shedding or finding loose clumps of hair during your daily routine, it may be a sign of a serious condition and should be addressed by a professional immediately.

Consult The Hair Specialists at LH Hair

The best time to see a hair specialist about hair loss is while you still have a full head of hair, even before you notice thinning hair or hair loss. Thinning hair or hair loss rarely occurs overnight but instead is a gradual process. Many people overlook an issue early because the change is so slow and gradual. Consulting a hair specialist at the first sign of a problem or before thinning starts offers the best chance of helping slow down or stop your hair loss. Consulting with a hair specialist can ensure that your scalp, hair follicles, and hair are in the best possible health.

At LH Hair, our team of hair specialists can help you determine your risk of hair loss and, if you have early signs, help determine the cause of your condition. Armed with this knowledge, we can help to create a custom treatment plan for men and women to help keep your scalp and hair healthy, enabling you to minimize future hair loss and keep your natural head of hair. If thinning hair or hair loss is a concern of yours, contact us today and schedule your FREE initial consultation.